Lake of St.-Leonard

Since Platon, caves and grottos became regards as energy storage. They served as places for magical ceremonies or as refugium forwards religious pursuit, in adition, as underground connections between castels and monasteries: The hidden face of the earth is accomplice for many purposes.
The threatening item of the underground world, is the water, and at the same time more greatly and dangerous building master. The attempt is worth, to experience the interaction of calm water and grotto, in the largest underground lake of Europe.
At the underground lake of St-Leonard, we find a permanent vibration quality of 14`000 Bovis units. The item water comes in resonance with our physical body, which consists to two thirds of water.
The underground lake of St-Leonard has a length of approximately 300 meters and at his broadest place an expansion of 18 meters; the hight of the grotto reaches up to 200 meters and the depth of water amount to 5 meters.
Guidance with a rowing boat escorts the visitors during a half an hour through the whole cave and let the visitor better detect the two ground-based energetic items cave and water.
More informations and great pictures at the Website !