Teotihuacan - old ruins city in Mexico

Ruins city of Teotihuacán

Valley of Teotihuacán, Mexico

Teotihuacán is a famous strength place and place of worship which worth seeing. It lies approximately 45 kilometers away from Mexico City. Already in pre-Christian times (100 before Chr.) it was considered the economical center of Mesoamerica. It is assumed nowadays that approximately 200,000 inhabitants lived here. For reasons unknown until today Teotihuacán was mostly abandoned since 750 AD. When the Aztecs discovered it in the 14th century, they gave her this name because they considered it to be a mythical place. Translated the name means something like “where one becomes a God”. Since 1987 the ruins belong to the UNESCO’s world cultural heritage.

Teotihuacán - Pyramid of the sun

Strength place pyramid of the sun

A special strength place is the pyramid of the sun, at the center of Teotihuacán. It was built around 100 after Christ and has a height of 65 meters. Due to its symmetries of 222 by 225 meters it stands third of the world’s big pyramids. In 1968 an, until then, unknown cave running under the pyramid was discovered. Archaeologists not only discovered relics from the Teotihuacán era here, but also items from the time of the Aztecs. Today it is believed that the cave is a special strength place, because in Mesoamerican regions caves are places of creation.

Strength place moon pyramid

Another strength place is the moon pyramid. Its creation date is said to be a century after the sun pyramid. But contrary to that, it is believed to have been developed in several stages. It is 46 meters tall and has a surface of 120 by 150 meters. During excavations various chambers were discovered, which still held human mortal remains.

Teotihuacan - Pyramid of the moon


It is assumed that this facility is the Teotihuacán palace. It is protected by a wall and only had one entrance. In the center there are housing complexes and the temple of the feathered serpent.

Recent findings

During excavations in Teotihuacán, which connects the sun pyramid and the temple of the feathered serpent, a tunnel was discovered only recently. It is 18 meters beneath the surface and has a length of 138 meters. Altogether 50,000 relics were found and it is assumed that they were sacrificial offerings. These “treasures” are items which had remained undiscovered for 1800 years. The special thing about this tunnel is that the walls are covered with a metallic powder. As soon as the light of the torches illuminates the tunnel, the walls light up like a sparkling starlit sky. The excavations are ongoing and it is assumed that the grave chambers of the ruling upper class can also be found here. Up until the find of the extra chambers it was assumed that there was only one.

Teotihuacán - powerful place of strangth in Mexiko

Today the ancient city of Teotihuacán is one of the most visited historical cities of Mexico and a main attraction for tourists from all over the world.