Creux du Van

The Creux du Van is a long, half rounded cliff that developped naturally through erosion. Its ripid walls are up to 160 meter high. It is situated in the canton of Neuenburg and one of the most marvellous beauties of the Neuenburger Jura.
Its energy radiates with 26`000 bovis, refreshing whoever approaches this spot.
The very special magic of this place is best sensed in the hours of sunrise or sunset. With a little luck one then catches a glimpse on the almost tame chamoises and ibexes of the region.
Nature`s forceful growth is characteristic for this area and energizes us as well, mildely and smoothing.
The deep and peaceful silence of this region is healing for our energy sytem, charging it with new strength, thus creating a feeling of serenity, cheerfulness and connection with the world .
On a hill beneath the Creux there is an original restaurant named Ferme Robert (with dormitory), spoiling the hungry visitor with excellent fondue or typical, homemade sausages.
A trip to the Creux du Van is highly recommendable, even for kids or persons with a slight walking inhibition.
– But be careful not to fall – you walk arround the cliff on your own risk!