Devils Chilen

Near the city of Winterthur in the valley of Toess, we find a nature attraction of completeley special beauty, the Devils Chilen. Here we will find four springs rising out of the earth and flowing united over a rock with a lot of moss, the pulpit, into the deep.
The bizarr Forms from lime and moss are in this form singulary and arrange the impression to be in an other world. An idyllic smal place, raising and animating.
Here, we indicate no Bovis units, because we taken up this place in our selection due to its singular radiant emittance and beauty. The Devils Chilen are only reachable by foot, and the way is marked good. Please remain on that artificially created woodway around the Devils Chilen, thus this small nature miracle is preserved for those, who comes after us.
Leave yourselves to charms of graceful play of the water with the levels and it becomes
– perhaps –
of the lively sound into the ease of living…