Notre Dame Cathedral

The Notre Dame Cathedral Paris (also referred to as Notre Dame de Paris) translate into Our Lady of Paris in French. This cathedral is a Gothic cathedral (in fact it was one of the first Gothic cathedrals built during the Gothic period) located in the fourth arrondissement of Paris. The Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris France is considered to be one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture in the world, as well as being one of the most well-known church buildings.  The cathedral also has a heavy influence of naturalism, which is seen in the stained glass windows and the sculptures. Now Le Notre Dame de Paris has become one of the most prominent cathedrals in France, while also being one of the oldest since the cathedral is over 800 year.

Construction of the cathedral began in the 12th century in the year 1163 during the reign of Louis VII. Throughout the construction there were many architects. The construction ended around 300 years later. The Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris France is now one of the most prominent cathedrals in all of France and one of the oldest ones as well. The long period of construction can be seen in the various styles of architecture that runs throughout the building. The main style is French Gothic, but there are also areas that show influence of the Renaissance and the Naturalism era. All of these varying styles add to the beauty of the grand cathedral.

The Notre Dame history has been long and complex, with a lot of damage being taken to it over the years, as with many other notable and historical monuments. One of these such historical moments was in 1431 during the crowning of Henry VI of England. During the French Revolution in 1786 the cathedral look a lot of damage, but was thankfully restored to its pervious beauty, so it continued to be a point of interest for people to visit to from all over the world. Over the years the Notre Dame history has included hosting a variety of religious ceremonies and historical events. And despite being related to one specific religion, people of all faiths have come to wonder at Le Notre Dame de Paris beauty and the Notre Dame history.

Kathedrale Notre Dame de Paris

Another important point for the Notre Dame history was when in 1909 Joan of Arc was famously beatified in the cathedral by Pope Pius X. Joan of Arc was a young girl who told many people that she saw visions from God, and she also went to assist the French in conflicts with English soldiers. The French trusted her and used her to win many battles against the English. Joan of Arc also assisted in the in the ceremony of the crowning of Charles VII. Not everyone believed her religious views and she was eventually killed by Burndians’ who accused Joan of Arc of heresy and her burned at the stake. In 1456 though her name was cleared and she was considered an innocent martyr.

The Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris France is considered to be one of the greatest examples of French Gothic architecture in the world. The name Notre Dame translates to “Our Lady” in French and is often used as the names of Catholic church building in Francophone countries. The cathedral is also the actual cathedral of the Catholic archdiocese of Paris (which really means that it contains the official chair of the Archbishop of Paris, Andre Cardinal Vingt-Trois).  

Inside Le Notre Dame de Paris are a wide variety of artworks, furniture, and many valuable items on display that all mirror the Nio-Gothic design. Tourists are welcomed to come to the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris France to view all of these artworks and enjoy them for just a small entrance fee. A popular attraction for Christian tourists in particular is that they can also attend Mass, which is held three times a day.

The Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris France is also best known for the story of the Hunchback of Notre Dame. This story has been made famous by a variety of cartoons and movies that have been inspired by the original story. Though the biggest draw for victors from around the world is the beautiful and amazing French Gothic Architecture. Le Notre Dame de Paris includes some of the most amazing architecture of arguably any building in the world. If you are every planning a trip to Paris the Notre Dame cathedral is must on your to do list. With the rich history and beautiful architecture the cathedral will not fail to disappoint you. And if you wish there are a number of stunning Parisian Hotels and surround the cathedral and are fortunate to enjoy breath taking views of the Notre Dame cathedral.